example of Book Review ‘Mawar Merah ‘by Luna Torashyngu

lunA book that i enjoyed was Mawar Merah  by  Luna Torashyngu, a  crime novel  that was interesting and set in the twentieth century. The novel traces the life of Rachel who was being assassin and being the most wanted person in the world because she wanted to give revenge with all bad  things that happened in her life and including Riva who was being wanted person because friendship between Riva and Rachel.

There are many well convincing character such as Raachel , an assasin who was being wanted person for CIA because the death of USA President, Riva as Rachel’s close friend who was being wanted person for Oni Organization in Japan , and Saka as police that worked in Metro Jaya Police office but the most appealing to me was Rachel because i was able identify her and she still has good character beside being assassin such as she loved her mother so much and good friend.

There are many memorable moments in this novel but one ofthe most memorable moments in the novel was when Rachel donor her beautiful brown eye to Riva even though Riva never meet Rachel again and Riva did not know who was being her donor. Riva was very happy and thankful and Rachel was not regret because she feel she has many mistakes to Riva and as her gift for Riva and Arga’s celebration of wedding party  even though Rachel liked Arga but Rachel very loved Riva as her best friend ever.



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